

Good Evening

There's an interesting technique: make a list of what you want. Not life goals, that's separate, but what you dream about in terms of material things. If this is easy for you, I'm envious, because I immediately face the following challenges:

The funny thing is, it works. Apparently, the brain continues to process this list as tasks, even when you're doing something else. Sometimes you look at it, and it motivates you to do something, sometimes you forget, then remember again and compare the target picture of dream fulfillment with the missing puzzle piece that makes you unhappy now. You correct the list, that's normal too.

In my list, there was a guitar for quite a long time, and the hardest thing here was to realize that I had this need. When it matured, everything turned out to be simple: ask a guitarist friend who was just about to sell one of his guitars.

Fulfilling dreams is a bit of a sad moment, because then you need to come up with something else, and the moment of receiving the desired does not always give the emotions you expect. In my case, a friend filmed me on video, and this is the video that I want to watch again. Because it confirms that happiness exists.