

Good evening

A cheerful sense of playfulness is extremely beneficial for the following information. This text isn't for you if you have a deep fear of computers or struggle with textual content. But then you wouldn't be reading this, right?

The terminal of a Unix system is still the driver's seat. In the past with clutching, nowadays quite luxurious with seat heating and a rearview camera. The dusty times of SCO, SunOS, and others with their bumpy shells are long gone, under Linux, by default, we use Bash, and that's already quite something. But... you can easily build on that. Check out Zsh and the brilliant configuration collection "oh-my.zsh", after two hours of tinkering, you won't want anything else. It's particularly interesting for people who operate multiple computers or occasionally develop software, but also playful [Se;Ju]niors will have fun ;)

Check out:

The installation is totally easy, dude. Here's a quick guide for Debian-based Linux systems, like Mint, Ubuntu:

First, become root, for example, like this:

sudo su - # Enter your password

Then install basic software - if it's not already there. Install ssh only if you have something to do with multiple Linux computers:

apt install git rsync ssh zsh vim wget

After you've done that, type "exit" or, for lazy folks like me, press CTRL-d. Now, as a regular user, do the following:


You'll be asked for your password in a simple dialogue, then for the new shell, enter: /bin/zsh. If there was an error message, you entered your password incorrectly. Definitely. Okay - now here comes the big hammer. oh-my-zsh is a plugin collection for zsh that's simply amazing. Let's get it directly from the geeks who maintain it:

sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

Done. The next terminal you open will feel like a cup of Arabian coffee in the morning.